FAQ for PhD candidates

Q: How do I apply to your group?
Please follow the departmental guidelines for PhD applicants. You should select the Computing Research degree and indicate Dr. Giuliano Casale as potential supervisor.

Q: What project topic should I propose?
The application will require you to include a research proposal on a topic area of your choice (3-5 pages including references). You may first consult our surveys on QoS modelling, cloud computing, and AI for edge/fog to narrow down the topic options.

Q: Do I need to contact you before applying?
This is not strictly required, but you are welcome to email us if you wish. If the research proposal requires updates, we will ask you to apply them after we receive your application.

Q: What kind of skills do you look for in PhD applicants?
Most of our research insists on QoS modelling techniques, scheduling, and computational optimization. We are especially interested to applicants with a passion for either maths or AI/ML based modelling.

Q: Do you accept PhD students without a Computing degree?
Yes. The background of students with degrees in STEM disciplines such as Engineering, Maths, or Statistics/Actuarial Science, aligns well to our research.