
QoS Management. We work extensively on Quality of Service (QoS) in edge/fog computing. Specifically, our work focuses on tackling hard decision problems in resource allocation, scheduling, and service-level assurance. Our research interests in this area include:

  • Resource management
  • Scheduling and load-balancing
  • System topology design and deployment

See our recent QoS Management publications for more details.

Dependability and Fault-Tolerance. We study methods to predict and manage faults in edge/fog computing systems. Our goal is mainly the design of proactive methods to minimise any reduction in QoS arising from faults and to select remediation actions. Our research interests in this area include:

  • Anomaly detection
  • Resilient architectures
  • Fault remediation

See our recent Dependability and Fault-tolerance publications for more details.

Computer System Modelling. We investigate AI/ML-based and analytical models to describe the performance and reliability of distributed computing systems in the presence of faults, queueing, synchronization, caching.  Our research interests in this area include:

  • Deep surrogate models
  • Simulation
  • Queueing theory/Markov chains

See our recent Computer System Modelling publications for more details.